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The US Constitution is the governing document of the USA. Many nations long after the American Revolution and the creation of the US Constitution, have created governing documents that are similar to the Constitution. What is significant and "good" about the Constitution is that the central government is divided into three parts thereby not allowing any one branch overpower another.Based on the Constitution, citizens vote on the US president position as well as for Representatives and Senators for each state in the US. The US Constitution guarantees freedom of speech and of religion. These are major parts of this document.

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It is the framework of our government and lists rights and laws. We just don't make up things as we go along, but have procedures to do things.

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Who can appraise a copy of the Constitution of the US?

An historical document specialist would be required to appraise a copy of the US Constitution. A good specialist could tell you how old the copy is and if it was made by hand or on a printing press.