When used in a general sense use small letters. However, if you are writing about a named camp, use capitals, for example: Dachau Concentration Camp.
Depending on how you use it general can be a proper or common noun. Example common noun: That man is the general of his fleet. Example proper noun: General Washington was later made president.
In a general sense, a Xenophanes is a profound religious figure - derived from the name of Xenophanes of Colophon.
To insert oneself in the middle of a disagreement as mediator or referee.
Praise (s) :elogio, enaltecimento, louvor. (general sense)Worship (s) culto; devoção; admiração; oração, reza; adoração a Deus (religious sense)
no i cannot answer it i want to know myself
An example sentence is a sentence written to show usage of a particular word or phrase. This sentence is an example of an example sentence!
Ball (in the baseball sense) or carress (in the general sense)
For Example: Feeding Your Dog. Its You Sense Of Responsibility That Makes You Want To Keep It Alive.
Capitalize "indictment" when referring to a specific indictment by name or number, but not when used in a general sense. For example, "The Smith indictment" versus "The indictment against the defendant."
When used in a general sense use small letters. However, if you are writing about a named camp, use capitals, for example: Dachau Concentration Camp.
In a religious sense, no. In the general sense that things should work out, certainly.
Life, death, good, bad, strong, weak
Theyall have mitochondria
Sense can refer to both feelings and perceptions. In a general sense, a sense is a faculty by which the body perceives an external stimulus. It can involve physical sensations or emotions.
An example of an impersonal pronoun is "one," as in "One must always be prepared for the unexpected." In this sentence, "one" is used to refer to an unspecified person in a general sense.