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Q: What is general sense and it's example?
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What is example of a general sense?


Example of general sense as context clues?

no i cannot answer it i want to know myself

What is the definition Examples and general sense of a sentence?

An example sentence is a sentence written to show usage of a particular word or phrase. This sentence is an example of an example sentence!

What is a antonym for strike?

Ball (in the baseball sense) or carress (in the general sense)

What does the general mean by instinct is no match for reason?

The phrase suggests that relying solely on instinct, or gut feelings, is not as effective as using logic and critical thinking to make decisions. It implies that reason, or logical analysis, is a more reliable way to navigate situations and solve problems than simply trusting one's instincts.

What are the example of sense of responsibility?

For Example: Feeding Your Dog. Its You Sense Of Responsibility That Makes You Want To Keep It Alive.

When to capitalize the indictment?

Capitalize "indictment" when referring to a specific indictment by name or number, but not when used in a general sense. For example, "The Smith indictment" versus "The indictment against the defendant."

Is concentration camp capitalized?

When used in a general sense use small letters. However, if you are writing about a named camp, use capitals, for example: Dachau Concentration Camp.

Did Bilbo pray?

In a religious sense, no. In the general sense that things should work out, certainly.

In the first scene of a short story a character pulls a gun In a general sense the gun in this example may be said to symbolize?

Life, death, good, bad, strong, weak

What are general characteristics of sense organs?

Theyall have mitochondria

What is an example of a visceral sense?

The feeling of hunger in your stomach is an example of a visceral sense. It is a deep, inner sensation that is linked to physiological processes in the body.