His full name is Adolf Hitler.
his full name is Francisco Vasquez de Coronado
The full name is Roy Maurice Keane.
What is Queen Isabella's full name
His full name was Henry Louis Gehrig.
Uniform Resource Locator
Uniform Resource Locator is the full form of URL
URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator
Mate1 is an online dating website that is free to join. It's full URL is http://www.Mate1.com
URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator.
Another name for a URL - is a webite address !
At the end of the URL
To find the URL of a website, use a search site such as Google.To obtain your own URL for a website you will create, buy a name from a domain name registrar.
The name of a website is a URL.
I don't think you can if the user has changed the original URL. You need a full name, email address, or screen name. However, if the person hasn't changed the URL from the profile number, just go to myspace.com/_______. (Put the profile number where the blank is.)
A URL is the address of the website, not the website itself.