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Feudalism is the form of society were everything is based on land. It is usually used when there is constant conflict/wars. Society was organized (from top to bottom) kings, lords, knights, land owners, peasants/serfs.

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Q: What is feudalism and how did it organize life in the middle ages?
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feudalism is the way life worked in the middle ages

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What was the way of life of the middles ages called?

The way of life for much of the Middle Ages is called feudalism. Manorialism, which it is also called, is probably a better name because there is no really firm definition of what feudalism is.

A word that refers to life during middle ages?

The middle ages way of life was called feudalism.

How did religion affect life in middle ages?

Christianity impacted the lives of people in the Middle Ages because it provided them with faith and gave them a worldly perspective since science had not evolved yet. Feudalism caused people in the Middle ages to seek changes in government.

How was life different from a town in the middle ages from life on a manor?

life was different in middle ages since it was the middles ages and in manor well, it was the manor!

How did feudalism during the middle ages make an insecure life more secure?

Feudalism was the way people lived in the Middle Ages. There was a king, who gave land to his nobles in return for their loyalty. The land came with peasants, or serfs, who were the majority of the population.

What was the economic system in the Middle Ages that provided security and protection on the local level?

In the middle ages Feudalism was the government type. The king was a figure head that was controlled by the clergy(The Church).Who petitioned Knights and the guards who provided security and protection. However there was a lot of corruption and different style of life back then.

What life was like in the middle ages?

What was the peasants life was in the middle ages?

life was really good

How was life in the middle ages?

normal usuall

How is medieval life like different from life today?

In the middle ages they had a disease called the black death. It was lost before the present day. The disease wiped out 1/3 of the population. In the middle ages they had feudalism in which a king grants land to a vassal in return of duty for the king. The Feudalism lasted for 600 years before it went extinct. Today, we don't use feudalism. Kings Ruled people until they made the magna carta that a king had to sign. they sign it to say that they have limited power and can't give improper taxes or rules. Today, our governments give power to the people.