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The V1 was not a rocket, but a flying bomb powered by a simple form of jet engine called a pulse jet. It was equivalent to a modern cruise missile. A V2, on the other hand, was a rocket propelled rocket.

The V1 could be stopped with gunfire or by attacks from fast fighters such as the Hawker Tempest, de Havilland Mosquito. The V2, on the other hand was undetectable, as it was fired into the stratosphere and hit its target with a speed higher than that of sound.

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Q: What is different between the V1 and V2 rockets?
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What was hitlers secret bomb called?

The V1 and V2 Rockets

What country first made rockets during world war 2?

Deployable Rockets designed to carry a munitions payload would be Germany. With the V1 and V2 missiles.

What is v1 and v2 missiles?

the V1:The V1 flying bomb also know as the doodle bug, buzz bomb and V1 rocket, was a missile driven by a pulse jet engine was used by the Germans in world war 2 to bomb England to get ready for the invasion of Britain (operation sea lion) which later was called off, it used a gyroscope navigation system to guide it to its target, the fuel would run out above England and the bomb would fall out of the sky and explode. the V1 bomb had a large launch ramp which meant it could be sighted and bombed and could move. the V2:the V2 was also used by the Germans in world war 2 to bomb the British, unlike the V1 the V2 had a proper rocket engine (newly invented by the Germans) it was much faster than the V1 and had a bigger warhead the launch sites could be bombed because they were mobile and could be towed and set up anywhere. The V2 also was impossible for any fighters to catch up with unlike the V1 which was slow enough that the British invented the Hawker tempest and typhoon .the V in V1 and V2 stands for Vengeance weapon

When did the last V1 or V2 hit London?


How did V1 and V2 rocket help the Saturn V rocket to take man to the moon?

The V1 and V2 rocket technology was developed and perfected by a team of German scientists under the leadership of pioneering rocketeer Dr. Wernher von Braun. It was von Braun, considered to be the top rocket engineer of the century, who was Germany's key leader in rocket technology that led to the success of the V1 and V2 rockets. Toward the end of the war, pioneer pioneer von Braun led his team to the American lines and surrendered to the Allies, rather than face being captured by the advancing Soviets. He and his team were brought to the United States, and after a period where their records were "bleached" by U.S. intelligence of their former past, they were put to work on the U.S. rocket programs. Von Braun became NASA's leader in rocket development, which culminated in the design and success of the Saturn V rocket.

Related questions

What was hitlers secret bomb called?

The V1 and V2 Rockets

What significant advances in rocketry were made in World War 2?

The Germans developed the V1 and V2 rockets.

What were the names of the rockets that flew over and blew up in England?

There was the V1 rocket and then later the stronger V2 rocket

Difference between of rip v1 and rip v2?

Rip V1 is Classful routing protocol Rip V2 is Classless routing Protocol

What country first made rockets during world war 2?

Deployable Rockets designed to carry a munitions payload would be Germany. With the V1 and V2 missiles.

Did Germany conduct Nuclear bomb tests?

No their scientists were pursuing the idea but later stopped and focused working on the V1 and V2 rockets

In the acceleration equation what do v1 and v2 represent?

v1 = initial velocity v2 = final velocity

What is the equation for the percentage difference of 20 and 31?

( | V1 - V2 | / ((V1 + V2)/2) ) * 100

What is the v1 v2 and rotate speed on a dc3?

v1 is design speed and v2 rotation speed

What is the formula for percentage change?

[ ((v2 - v1) / |v1|) * 100 ]

Why are they called V1 and V2 in World War 2?

the v1 and v2 were German rockets and i asume they stand for something German (the "v" i mean). Because of the places they were made and what they were made out of. They, although stand for nothing, were covert-ops type missiles designed mainly for clearing out garrisons and launching sneak attacks.

What is the difference between rip v1 rip v2?

Particulars RIP V1 RIP V2 VLSM Support NO Route Propogation Mechanism Broadcast ( ) Multicast ( Authentication Mechanism No Yes ( Text & MD5 )----RIP V1-----> Classful routing protocol.RIP V2-----> Classless routing protocol.-----------------------------------------------------RIP V1------> Subnet masks are NOT included in the routing update.RIP V2------> Subnet masks are included in the routing update.-----------------------------------------------------RIP V2 is actually an enhancement of RIP V1's features and extensions raether than an entirely new protocol.