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Marin Luther King was all for peace and equality. He used peaceful protests and civil disobedience to gain support - "America for Americans" so they could live in harmony. The Black Panthers were a militant group that used violence and revolutionary tactics. "Any means necessary" - they would do whatever it took. They were also more interested in being separate but equal.

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8y ago

The only thing they had in common was the Civil Rights Movement, but how to gain the rights they were opposite sides. The Black Panthers believed in using violence while King preached that to be violent would only lead to more violence. He practiced passive resistance and the philosophy of Grandi to gain rights. He once said returning hate with hate solves nothing.

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8y ago

In the era of civil rights activists in the 1960's , Martin Luther King Jr and the Black Panther Party each wanted to improve the problems that Black people were having with discrimination. Dr. King was seen by the entire world as an activist that did not nor would not advocate the use of force or other types of violence to change the political scene in the USA. The Black Panther Party, however, in general terms, have the same ideas as Dr. King on "violence".

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One was a preacher and the other was a Baseball player.

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