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D -day 6 th of June 1944 An Armada of ships with Thousands of allied Troops finally crossed the English channelThey planned a 3 pronged attack ohmaha Normandy Utah they finally broke thru and the allies began their advance through France liberating towns and villages driving the Germans back to Germany Where old men and young boys were the only ones left to defend Berlin it was the beginning of the end of WW2 in Europe

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Q: What is d-day and Normandy invasion?
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Why was dday important?

It was the beginning of the Allied invasion of Europe. It began with the landing at Normandy, France. The invasion saw the largest amphibious assault in history

What was dday and where?

D-Day was the Allied invasion of German occupied France, on the beaches of Normandy on 6 june,1944.

Were the Germans responsible for invasion of Normandy?

Yes, they did not anticipate where the invasion would take place, not enough land was covered by their troops. They also thought that Dday would be postponed due to weather.

What was the Normandy invasion called?

The invasion of Normandy was called Operation Overlord.

What was the invasion at Normandy called?

The invasion of Normandy was called Operation Overlord.

What did the invasion of Normandy resulted in?

The invasion of Normandy ultimately resulted in the defeat of Germany.

When did Invasion of Normandy happen?

Invasion of Normandy happened on 1944-06-06.

When did operation overload dday take place?

Operation Overlord, also known as D-Day, took place on June 6, 1944. It was the Allied invasion of Normandy during World War II.

What role did religion play in the invasion of Normandy?

Religion played no role in the invasion of Normandy.

When was the invasion of Normandy beach?

the invasion of Normandy beach occurred on June 6, 1944

What are facts about the invasion of Normandy in France?

Adolf Hitler was slleping in bed during the invasion of normandy

When did the Normandy invasion start?

Operation Overlord, the invasion of Normandy, began on June 6th, 1944.