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Q: What is current service tax in India?
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Who collects the service tax in India?

In india service tax is collected by CBEC (central board of excise and customs)

State Bank of India Service Tax Registration No?

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What is service tax in India?

The Service Tax in India is an indirect tax on all services, although there are some exclusions. In 2015, it was increased to 14%.

How many service are taxable in service tax India?

116 service taxable in india

Will service tax be paid for the service rendered outside India by a foreign service provider but bill to an Indian company?

As long as Services are rendered outside India, Service tax is not applicable.

Would the Export of Services be liable for payment of Service Tax?

No, the services provided to a person outside India shall not attract service tax levy as service tax extends only to services provided within India.

How many taxes are there in India?

service tax , income tax, sales tax, tds tax, excise tax & other taxes

India's Merging Service Tax?

The service tax, a long-time corner stone of India's governmental revenue system, has been phasing out of implementation in the 21st century. The Finance Minister of India has said that it is a short-term goal of the Indian government to eventually merge the service tax into the country's general goods and service tax. The service tax aims to rake in government revenues by taxing all services provided within the country. It is India's Central Board of Excise and Customs that is in charge of administering the tax and overseeing it's implementation. If the surcharge is eventually merged fully with other goods and services taxes, the administering authority could change.

Current corporate dividend tax rate in India?

At per the text book its 13.2345%

Are the Value Added Tax and Service Tax in India both applicable in one composite bill related to advertisement?

Hi, I dnt know abt advertisement, but for food in restaurants we pay VAT and service tax because its counted in service industry So we are paying both VAT and service tax as per my knowledge.

Is interest on delayed payment of service tax disallowed under India income tax act1961?

If the interst arise due to delay in remittance of Service tax, which is not penal in character, then disllowance would not be applicable. It is compensatory in nature, hence no disallowances

Hire a Small Business Tax Service?

form_title=Hire a Small Business Tax Service form_header=Get help preparing and coordinating your small business tax needs. Do you keep all your reciepts for sales and purchases?= () Yes () No Have you gathered all your accounts receivable and payable?= () Yes () No What are you current tax service needs?=_