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Q: What is considered a fundamental cause of world war 1?
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Why was international anarchy considered a fundamental cause of world war 1?

International anarchy is reffered as one of the fundamental causes of Worl War 1,because there was no government to create laws, and to compel other nations to follow there laws. There was a comlete mayhem whuch was very good for war.

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The basic fundamental cause was the COLD WAR. The justification was curbing the spread of communism.

Did World War I cause the gulf war?

no the world war 1 did not cause the gulf war.

What can you considered a major cause of world war 1?

The assasination of Austrian Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo by the Serbs.

Why world war considered one of the most futile and tragic war in history?

World War I took hundreds of thousands of lives, destroyed fertile land and cities and accomplished absolutely nothing. It managed to cause World War II.

Was slavery a fundamental cause of the American Civil War?

That is up for debate. However, most experts agree that the main cause of the civil war was state's rights.

Which of the following is considered amajor cause of world war 1?

The question is incomplete. There are no options given (for "which of the following") to answer this question.

What document was considered to be the major cause of world war 2?

Well, Document/ Treaty. It was the Treaty Versailles. That was probably the most important and hated cause of WW2.

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During what international war did the Russian revolution take place?

The Russian Revolution happened during World War I

What was the main cause of the cold war?

Nukes.The aggressive ideology of the Communists International (ComIntern) to achieve world wide communist hegemony by means of revolutionary struggle and wars of "liberation" was the fundamental cause of the Cold War.

Which of the following is considered to be fundamental rather than immediate case of world war 1?

many people believe that it was the rise of militarism in europe and the arms race it caused which meant it was inevitable that a war was going to happen, all it needed was a spark.