

What is cardiac compromise?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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Q: What is cardiac compromise?
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cardiac muscle cells are joined by intercalated disks.

What is cardiac necrosis?

Cardiac Necrosis is the death of cardiac tissue.

What is cardiac rest?

its not cardiac rest, its cardiac ARREST. which is a heart attack.

What compromise lead to the civil war?

the Missouri compromise, the 3/5 compromise, and the compromise of 1850 no it was thethe Missouri compromise, the 3/5 compromise, and the compromise of 1850

What is resting cardiac output?

its not cardiac rest, its cardiac ARREST. which is a heart attack.

What is an agreement reached in which each side gives up something that it wants?

It is called a compromise. Examples are the Great Compromise, and the Three-Fifths Compromise.

Henry clay's compromise became known as what?

The Missouri Compromise The Compromise of 1850 The Kansas-Nebraska Act.

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Three-Fifths Compromise, Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850, Emancipation Proclamation

What are similarities between skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle?

cardiac is cardiac and skeletal is skeletal.

Which type of muscle tissue is autorhythmic?

cardiac muscle