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Q: What is any group that differs from the majority in a society?
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Why is majority rule and minority rights important in democracy?

In a democratic society, the concept (and reality) of 'majority rule and minority rights' is vitally important for a number of reasons. On the one hand, it represents a commitment to fairness and functionality alike, with the will of the majority given the space and power it deserves in order to be acted upon. On the other hand, and as a vital complement, it also recognizes the danger of oppression of minority groups by the democratic majority; thus, it seeks to create appropriate space for minorities of any kind to continue to flourish despite (or even because of) their differences with the majority.

Are Asians considered an ethnic minority group in the US?

Yes, they are not the majority of the US population, so they therefor have to be a minority. Yes, they are; however, considering Asians are around 58% of the worlds population they shouldn't be by any means.

What are the features of civil society?

Civil society is any individual or group of individuals that is / are working for the well being of the larger community to which they belong. This individual / these individuals cannot be government or (local) authority bodies / institutions or acting on behalf of religious groups. Taoufik Allah Afkinich

What themes are applicable to any group or culture at any time in history?


What is electronics machine?

Any machine with the majority of its functionality implemented with electronic circuits.

Related questions

What are minority groups?

The term minority group refers to any religious or ethnic group that is in a minority in a wider society.

Are white people bad in society?

No more than any other ethnic group.

Do all muslims kill?

Of course not. Most Muslims are not killers in much the same way that the majority of any group are not killers.

What is the meaning of the fifth estate?

Any class or group in society other than the nobility, the clergy, the middle class, and the press.

Why should gay and lesiban be allowed in california?

Because all men (and Women) were created equal. and have the same rights Because a democracy is not only about majority rule but also more important about minorities rights and fairness. Because any form of discrimination is illegal, unconstitutional and UN-American. Because no person or group has more rights than other under the Law, the Bible, the Constitution. And most important, any individual or group (even a majority) who believe they are better than others to pursue the power to allow anyone else anything is a danger to our democracy, society, and the core principles on which our country was founded.

What is an example of society?

There isn't one.

Are social group and societies the same thing?

Society can be seen as a large social group but it is the sum of all the various social groups as well as social rules and interactions. In any society, there are accepted ways of doing things, as in social groups. Social groups are made up of various workers, cultures, or age groups in society.

Who is allowed in Israel's elections?

Pretty much any group of Israelis can put together a political party and every Israeli of majority age has the right to vote.

What are some reasons that more drugs should be illegal?

high potential for abuse and alleged effect on society, although the war on drugs makes any effect drugs may have on society several times worse, and results in a majority of disinformed people.

Was William Lloyd garrison part of any special group?

William Garrison was part of special groups. The first was in a group called American Colonization Society then made his own called The Liberator.

Are polish migrants good or bad?

Like in any national group the majority of people are good people, when you get to under stand them and they you. However there are always a couple that are going to break the rules. the same as any nationality.

What is the Democrat philosophy?

In general political terms, a democratic philosophy holds that political power in society belongs to the people themselves rather than to any single or specialized group of citizens, let alone any group or individual outside of the society itself. While there are different kinds of democracies, all are committed to this notion of governance of people by themselves.