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Bloody Sunday is the name commonly given to the January 9, 1905 incident that is sometines referred to as a revolution.

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Q: What is another name for the Revolution of 1905 in St Petersburg?
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What is the another name for the revolution of 1905?

It was also known as the Bolshevik Revolution.

What was another name for the Russian Revolution of 1905?

There was no revolution in Russia in 1905. There was the Russian Bloody Sunday,but that was just a tragic event, not a war.

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What was the Revolution of 1905 about?

The other name used for the revolution of 1905 is Viva La Resistance. This revolution occurred in Russia and lasted for just over 2 years.

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The Russian battleship 'Potemkin, is the naval vessel whose crew mutinied on June 14, 1905.

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Another name for the revolution of the Earth is its orbit around the Sun.

What is The former name of St Petersburg?

Peterburg, Leningrad, Petrograd. St. Petersburg was founded with the name St. Petersburg. In 1914, when World War I broke out, it was renamed Petrograd, because the name sounded too Germanic and Russia was at war with Germany. In 1924, when Vladimir Lenin died, it was renamed Leningrad. In 1999, it was returned to its original name St. Petersburg.

What is another name for the communist revolution?

Chinese Civil War or Cultural Revolution

How did Saint Petersburg become a saint?

St. Petersburg is the name of a city and not a saint.