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Its called a heartogram, and its the symbol for the band H.I.M., nothing to do with the war whatsoever.

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Q: What is an upside down 5 pointed star with the top 2 points rounded called?
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What does the five pointed star stand for upside down?

well, when you draw the five pointed star upside down it stands for the devil head, in certain parts of the world of course. haven't heard anything diffrent... if you have please tell me. thank you.

Why are stars upside down on some confederate flags?

Answer I am like you---it bothers me to see Stars upside down. However, if you look at the overall layout of the Confederate Battle Flag. The Battle flag is the red flag with the blue X in the form of St. Andrews cross and within the blue X were 11 stars(5-pointed). For some flags the Stars are arranged with the one "arm" pointed Up. But some have the stars arranged so the base of the Star(the lower 2 points) are aligned with the line of the X. So the stars are angled the same as the arm of the X. The result is that the star appears to be upside-down when viewed relative to viewers perspective. does it not have something to do with the fact that it was a flag created during a war time? The Union flag during the civil war had its center star with 2 points up and a single one directly down. I have been lead to believe that an upside down star is reserved to flags created while the country is under distress. That being said any confederate flags that have all their points up are inherently wrong

What songs were played at the surrender at Yorktown?

The song was called "The world turned upside down" because it was very popular and it was true, the world was turned upside down.

Did Marc Chagall paint upside down?

yes chagall painted upside down because he was dyslexic

Where to kiss the blarney stone?

You kiss it near Blarney Castle, where the stone is.

Related questions

What does the five pointed star stand for upside down?

well, when you draw the five pointed star upside down it stands for the devil head, in certain parts of the world of course. haven't heard anything diffrent... if you have please tell me. thank you.

What does shape upside down mean?

Take a pyramid and turn it upside down so it is balanced on the point (pointed top), you have now turned a 3D shape upside down. Basically, upside down is to reverse the way the shape should normally appears.

What does a vertical upside down shape mean?

Take a pyramid and turn it upside down so it is balanced on the point (pointed top), you have now turned a 3D shape upside down, vertically. Basically, upside down is to vertically reverse the way the shape should normally appears.

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what is called a upside down trapezoid

How do you get to the top floor in poptropica the eyeglass store?

It's simple,take the eye exam and do everything backwards or upside down when he says it. when he points at the E's do it backwards he points at the W's do it upside down. Hope this helped!

What is an upside down trapezoid called?

can someoneplease tell me what a upside down trapizoid is for this project

What is a upside down triangle called?

In mathematics an upside down triangle corresponds to the gradient operator and is sometimes called "del". The Greek symbol of an upside down triangle is called "Nabla".

Why are stars upside down on some confederate flags?

Answer I am like you---it bothers me to see Stars upside down. However, if you look at the overall layout of the Confederate Battle Flag. The Battle flag is the red flag with the blue X in the form of St. Andrews cross and within the blue X were 11 stars(5-pointed). For some flags the Stars are arranged with the one "arm" pointed Up. But some have the stars arranged so the base of the Star(the lower 2 points) are aligned with the line of the X. So the stars are angled the same as the arm of the X. The result is that the star appears to be upside-down when viewed relative to viewers perspective. does it not have something to do with the fact that it was a flag created during a war time? The Union flag during the civil war had its center star with 2 points up and a single one directly down. I have been lead to believe that an upside down star is reserved to flags created while the country is under distress. That being said any confederate flags that have all their points up are inherently wrong

What if you planted your gladiolus bulbs upside down Do you need to dig them up and replant?

Gladiolus bulbs will not right themselves when planted upside down, as some bulbs do. They must be dug up and planted with the pointed end towards the top of the soil.

What is it called when a word looks upside down in a mirror?

Well when a word is shown in front of a mirror the reflection of the word upside down. This is called mirror image.

When you turned your palm upside what is that movement called?


What is Africa often called due to the fact its land is shaped like an upside down pie plate?

It's often called, believe it or not, actually called upside down pie! Hope this helped:)