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Q: What is an underlying framework that gives support to a sculpture?
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What best describes moral diplomacy?

Moral diplomacy is a system that gives support to the countries that have moral beliefs that are in line with the country that is giving support. Moral diplomacy was proposed by US President Woodrow Wilson in his 1912 election.

What instruction does casca give cinna that will help sway brutus to their cause?

He gives him the letters he has forged to put on Brutus's seat in the Senate, through his windows, and on his statutes, so that Brutus will read them and think the people support him.

What is the purpose of Operation Shoebox in supporting British troops?

The purpose of Operation Shoebox is to support British troops. The way this is achieved is it gives soldiers a feel of home. It shows that people still care about them, they are not forgotten and that they are still loved.

Appropriation of money for the armed services can be only limited to how many years?

The United States Constitution, Article I Section 8 gives Congress the power to raise and support an army. The funds appropriated for the army may be for no more than two years.

What did Thomas Paine have to do with the declaration of independence?

thomas Paine was thomas Jefferson best friend? Possibly... HOWEVER. Thomas Paine was for the idea of independence. Although he did not sign the declaration, he published a 50-page pamphlet on January in the year 1776 about the support for independence. He gives political, military, and moral arguements for breaking away from Britain. In other words, he gives examples of wide variety for breaking away from Britain and become independent.

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Underlying framework that gives support to a sculpture?


An underlying framework that gives support to a sculpture.?


Tissue that supports and forms the framework of the body is called what tissue?

The most common answer to this would be that the bone structure gives support and framework.

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The cytoskeleton, not an organelle but a cellular structure, provides shape and support to the cell. It is responsible for maintaining cell structure, anchoring organelles in place, and facilitating cell movement.

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The constitution gives the framework for the government and courts.

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What gives framework to a cell and help it move?


What gives the framework to a cell and helps it move?

cell membrane

What was claes oldenburg most popular sculpture?

this site is rubbish it gives you no trustworthy information

Who tells what the states and what the federal government can do?

The constitution gives this to both. It is the framework for government.

Who tells what states can do and what the federal government can do?

The constitution gives this to both. It is the framework for government.