A positive aspect of school is that it helps one to learn so many new things. it also gives exposure to students on how to relate to others in the society.
Positive aspects is to device/tell some stories to your friends classmates and many others!
One of the most interesting aspect of daily life in Connecticut is the early waking up of the residents to either go for work or school to learn. The social aspect after work and during the weekends is another interesting aspect about the same.
The traditional education system in Nigeria consists of rigid examination of students. Nigeria adapted parts of the American school system into their educational design by breaking up elementary school, middle school and high school.
The positive aspects of advertising is promoting the message of your company and/or it's products/services. Through the practice of advertising consumers become brand aware of a company and bring revenue in to the advertiser. Another positive aspect is the ability to create public opinion or repair damaging media exposure to remain profitable as a business.
An ineffective affirmation is an affirmation that has some negative aspect to it. A true affirmation is positive. An example of an ineffective affirmation would be saying something along the lines of, bad luck is better than no luck. That is negative and does nothing to bring about positive thoughts in your mind.
One positive aspect of dropping out of school is people with an education and degree don't want to do "crap jobs", like a garbage man or woman, but we need people to do these things.
What are major aspect of organization of the school of the future?
What are the ways computer impacted the world in both the positive and negative aspect?
It has a good aspect because of the wild life
The positive aspect about bacteria is that weak bacteria can be used to prevent or defend against other bacteria that harms the body which is the negative aspect of bacteria.
Positive aspects is to device/tell some stories to your friends classmates and many others!
Cultural diversity
The curing of Guinea worm disease
Parents focus on the negative aspect of teens because the positive aspects don't need improvement
Cuba is amazing, they have great beaches, also the weather is great. Except that, the food is not that great. that would be a negative aspect