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Q: What is an ordinance and How does it compare to a national law?
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Do you capitalize ordinance?

It is capitalized at the beginning of the sentence or when it forms part of the proper noun. Examples: An ordinance is a law passed by the municipal government. The Criminal Law Ordinance was amended last week.

What is an ordination?

An ordinance is a rule or law.

Can an ordinance be challenged in a court of law?

Yes, an ordinance can be challenged in a court of law if it is believed to be unconstitutional, in violation of state or federal law, or otherwise legally flawed. Parties with legal standing can file a lawsuit to challenge the validity or enforcement of an ordinance.

A city law or rule?

City ordinance.

What law established a procedure for making new states out of a territory?

Northwest Ordinance of 1787

Law for governing the western territory?

Northwest ordinance

What law outlined step for statehood for land around the Ohio River Territory?

It is the Northwest Ordinance

What is civil ordinance?

A civil ordinance is a local law passed by the city that applies only to a city. For example, a ban of alcohol on a specific beach is considered a civil ordinance.

What is ordinance law?

Ordinance laws are normally what is seen in towns or cities as opposed to a state or federal law. Individual towns in the US may have the town council pass a law restricting parking on city streets without a residence sticker on the rear window of a vehicle. This law is a local ordinance that applies only to a specific town.

What is the meaning of National Reconciliation Ordinance?

Rule&Regulation of The Proses

According to the law what is preemption?

Preemption occurs when a law/statute/ordinance at a higher level of governmental authority overrides a similar law/statute/ordinance at a lower level of authority. For example, a federal law preempts a state law that covers the same subject.

What is an example zoning ordinance?

A city ordinance is a law passed by a city council. It has effect only within the city limits.