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any of the holy crusades

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Q: What is an example of when religion destabilized society in the middle ages?
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What religion did the Islamic society from the middle ages believe in?


What can you infer conclude about Medieval society during the Middle Ages?

That the whole of their culture was based on religion.

What is theocratic society?

A theocratic society is a society that is governed by religious rules. For example, many middle eastern countries could be considered theocracies.

How did religion shape society in the middle colonies?

idk its ur face in the toilet sorrie but i dont care about u

Does religion divide or unite a society?

It can do both. The Muslims and Christians in Africa and the Middle East don't get along, but in Europe and the US they do a better job of it.

How was the Swedish society during middle ages medieval times from Europe similarities and differences on governance social classes and religion?

Governance social classes is a organization. Religion is something that people believe in and live by.

Why should the middle ages be called the age of faith?

During the middle ages, religion was without question the dominant factor in the lives of individuals as well as in the structure and functioning of society. All major efforts were guided by religion. All other factors, whether political, economic, scientific, cultural, or of any other type, where subordinate to religion.

What is the religion of Middle East?

the 3 major religion in the middle east is hindu,christianity,and judism

What was the society like in the middle colonies?

Society in the Middle colonies was very liberated.

What has the author John Myhill written?

John Myhill has written: 'Goldilocks' 'Language in Jewish Society' 'Language, Religion and National Identity in Europe and the Middle East'

Who was the head of the christian religion in the middle ages?

In Europe during the Middle Ages the only recognized religion was Christianity, in the form of the Catholic religion.

What continues to be the primary religion of the Middle East?

ISLAM is the religion of over 90% of Middle Easterners.