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Ethnic cleansing is the involuntary removal of an ethnic group from a territory, in order to create a homogenous population. Ethnic cleansing sometimes happens without much violence, but it usually entails widespread attacks on a community in order to drive them out, and it always involves at least the threat of force. Note that ethnic cleansing is somewhat different from genocide; unlike genocide, which is usually committed by a government, ethnic cleansing can be committed by small groups without much organization. More importantly, genocide has the objective of wiping out an ethnic grouping, while ethnic cleansing seeks to expel a group, by whatever means.

Ethnic cleansing and related crimes were committed by many of the factions involved in the Yugoslav Wars of the 1990s, by the Nazis in much of occupied Europe and the Imperial Japanese in the South Pacific during World War II, by a number of factions in the Caucasus Mountain region during the various post-Soviet conflicts there, and on a smaller scale by Israeli settlers in the Palestinian Territories in recent decades.

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The term ethnic cleansing means to rid the world completely of an entire ethnicity.

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