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It is called Hieroglyphics the individual characters hieroglyphs. The symbols mainly stand for sounds like the Roman letters we use today. It was this discovery along with the Rosetta stone with an identical text in Greek which allowed the Frenchman Jean Francois Champolion (1790-1832) to unlock the mystery. Using his knowledge of Coptic he was able not only to deduce the meanings of the hieroglyphs but work out the structure of Ancient Egyptian grammar.

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10y ago

Cuneiform is an ancient system of writing that uses stick-like and triangular symbols. Cuneiform was one of the earliest form of writing with samples being found on clay tablets.

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15y ago

cuneiform maybe?

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It was a phonogram.

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hiragliphics (not sure about spelling)

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Q: Ancient form of writing using wedge-shaped symbols?
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Ancient form of writing using wedge shaped symbols?


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The advantages are the same as using symbols in writing to represent the words.

How were cuneiform different to hieroglyphics?

Cuneiform was a writing system used in ancient Mesopotamia using wedge-shaped characters on clay tablets, while hieroglyphics were a writing system used in ancient Egypt using pictorial symbols. Cuneiform was written on clay tablets and hieroglyphics on stone, papyrus, or other surfaces. Cuneiform consisted of hundreds of characters, while hieroglyphics had thousands of symbols.

What does THE word hieroglyphics mean in social studies?

Hieroglyphics refer to a system of writing using pictures and symbols, typically used in ancient Egypt. It was a complex system that conveyed both sounds and meanings. This form of writing was crucial for record-keeping and communication in ancient societies.

What is another name for a complete writing system using wedge shaped symbols?

Another name for a complete writing system using wedge-shaped symbols is cuneiform.

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we're not using any symbols when writing unlike the others.. we're using English letters when writing....

What is writing on stone called in history?

Lithography, Petrography in gen. In specific Hieroglyph: a writing system using picture symbols; used in ancient Egypt Cuneiform: an ancient wedge-shaped script used in Mesopotamia and Persia (earliest known commonly used writings which had fixed meanings)

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What is the difference between cuneiform and pictographs?

Cuneiform is a writing system that uses wedge-shaped characters to represent words and syllables, while pictographs are symbols that represent objects or ideas using pictures or drawings. Cuneiform was used in ancient Mesopotamia, while pictographs have been used in various ancient and modern cultures around the world.

What form of writing did Mesopotamians use to show pictures?

Mesopotamians used cuneiform, which was a system of writing involving pictographs or symbols pressed into clay tablets using a stylus. It was one of the earliest forms of writing in ancient civilizations and was primarily used for administrative and record-keeping purposes.

What were some advantages to using hieroglyphic writing?

Hierglyphics were used for writing. They had lots of symbols and pictures.

What is cunieform letters like?

Cuneiform is a type of writing using wedge-shaped symbols.