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The US Marine Corps operated AMTRACs (Amphibian Tractors) in Vietnam during the war. They were LVT5's (Landing Vehicle Tracked model number 5). Post Vietnam...during Operation Desert Storm in 1991, etc. USMC operated LVT7's...the most common version identified by the public...the LVT7 has a boat shaped front end.

The Vietnam version, LVT5, looks just about like the US Army's M113 APC/ACAV (Armored Personnel Carrier/Armored Cavalry Assault Vehicle), except it is about twice as big and has many more road wheels along it's bottom. But both the Army's ACAV and the Marine's AMTRAC were box shaped, were amphibious, were equipped with ramps at the rear which opened, armored, and both were designed to carry personnel. They both also moved the same way, in armored columns.

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Define a Vietnam War Officer?

A military officer that fought in the Vietnam War. A Vietnam War soldier would be a "soldier that fought in the Vietnam War.

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Was Richard Nixon elected during the Vietnam war?

Short answer yes, technical answer no. The USA never declared war on North Vietnam, despite fighting there for nearly 10 years. The Vietnam 'war' was started by Kennedy, escalated significantly under Johnson and was still underway when Nixon was elected so Nixon was elected during the Vietnam war. Nixon also successfully ended the Vietnam war on terms which were above and beyond those offered by his political counterparts who werewilling to withdraw unconditionally.