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Do you mean what is all over the country, where ever you go you would see it? The answer is, the same thing you'd probably see in California; people, hills, trees, birds, an ocean coast line, clouds, sky, sun, moon, traffic, signal lights, airplanes, rivers, mud, vegetation, rice fields (Sacramento California has rice fields along Interstate 5), etc. The only difference might be the Louisiana type humidity in and sweaty.

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Q: What is all about the country Vietnam?
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Vietnam is a country. Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam.

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Vietnam is a country, in the Southeast portion of Asia.

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There was no country called "Vietnam" during the war. There was a country called North Vietnam and another country called South Vietnam, which one are you asking about?

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Vietnam is a country located in Southeast Asia, not a continent.

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Yes. Vietnam want peace, not war. Of course Vietnam is the heroic country.

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No. The U.S. lost the Vietnam War, as the communist North Vietnam succeeded in taking over South Vietnam (which the U.S. was allied with), and united the country as one Vietnam.

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Yes but they wanted to unify into a communist country and the United States didn't want South Vietnam to become communist

Which country was the Vietnam war in?

Vietnam obviously.

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Vietnam is a country.