The Philippine American war was the direct response to the Spanish American War.
The Spanish American War did not involve Mexico.
Spanish American war 1898
The Spanish-American war was won easily and was inexpensive.
Puerto Rico was a Spanish American War battlefield. Cuba was a Spanish American War battlefield. Guam was a bloodless Spanish American War battlefield. The Philippines was a Spanish American War battlefield that became a long and bloody Philippine American War battlefield.
I'm glad I finished that chapter on the Spanish-American War before the test.
The Philippine American war was the direct response to the Spanish American War.
Spanish-American War, lasted about 6 months, in 1898.
The Spanish American War ennded and the Philippine American War began.
the Spanish American War started in 1898
The Spanish American War did not involve Mexico.
there was no spanish american war.
It was the primary battlefield of the Spanish American War.
The Spanish American War.
The Spanish Civil War of 1936 or the Spanish-American War of 1898?
The first battle of the Spanish American War was at Manila Bay.
There were Civil War vetrans who also served in the Spanish American War.