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Q: What is a small farmer in Jamestown called?
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What is a farmer with a small farm called?

There are different terms for a farmer with a small farm, depending on the type of farm.A sharecropper is a farmer who works land that belongs to someone else for a share of the crop.A peasant is someone who works on another person's farm or on their own small farm.A smallholder is someone who has a very small farm.In Britain, a farmer who rents and cultivates a farm is called a crofter.Other terms for a farmer are granger, husbandman, and sodbuster.

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When was Small Farmer's Journal created?

Small Farmer's Journal was created in 1976.

When a farmer does not specialize in any crop but grows wheat oats or hay or keeps cows pigs and poultry the farming is called what?

small time or a poor farmer

What is another name for a small farmer?

A hobby farmer.

What is feminine for farmer?

Man or woman, a farmer is called a farmer.

What is a farmer with no enslaved workers called?

A farmer with no enslaved workers is called an independent or free farmer.

What do you call a farmer in Hindi?

A farmer in Hindi is called "किसान" (kisaan).

What is an Egytian farmer called?

An Egyptian farmer is called "fallah" in Arabic.

What happened in the colonial period?

one big event was the starting of the first successful colony, Jamestown started by John Smith and Beacons Rebellion which was the farmer uprising by the farmers in Jamestown.

What is a common farmer called?

A farmer or producer.

What was the diese called in Jamestown?

what was the diese called