A slaughter cow is a mature female bovine that has already given birth at least once or twice and has been culled from the breeding herd to be sent to slaughter.
It is ideal that you should slaughter a cow and wrap it in mummy cloth to perfectly preserve it. Do not harvest the organs. Keep it in the time capsule for 50 years. This cow will be worth a lot in the future as cows will have been wiped out due to the inevitable zombie apocalypse in 2040. Of course, there is the possibility that the cow will come back to life as a zombie, therefore killing everyone in a murderous rampage. Now everyone is dead and you're curled up in the foetal position and theres a rampaging cow killing everyone just because you had the brilliant idea of slaughtering a cow and putting it in a time capsule, really, great idea, idiot.
Only very rarely. A cow was a prized possession, able to provide both milk and calves. Alive, it would provide more food than dead. Your average farmer would only slaughter a cow as a last option.
Barney Slaughter was born October 6, 1884, in Smyrna, DE, USA.
Sterling Slaughter was born November 18, 1941, in Danville, IL, USA.
Enos Slaughter died August 12, 2002, in Durham, NC, USA.
in china you do.
A cow's plucks are its lungs heart and esophagus which are removed during slaughter
A cow could be sold to a slaughter house for a few hundred dollars. The meat of a cow is around 6 dollars a pound and only 175 pounds on the average cow can be used.
sheep, camel, goat, cow
To kill or euthanize it. It may also refer to culling, which means separating a bovine (not just a cow) to be shipped and sold, often for slaughter.
Dairy cows are usually allowed to have 4 or 5 lactations before slaughter. Their production decreases after this time and they are considered spent.
A steer typically weighs around 1300 lbs at slaughter. Cows, on the other hand, can be any weight, depending on their frame size.
A cow that has NEVER had a calf in her lifetime is called a Heifer. A cow that has not had a calf YET is a heavily pregnant or heavy-bred, or a short-bred or long-bred cow. A cow that has not had a calf during a calving season is called a barren cow, an open cow, a cystic cow, a cull cow, a meat/slaughter cow, a poor cow, a free-loader, etc.
No, the slaughter withdrawal time is usually 21 days after the last injection.
one cow sees another cow and they bump into each other and then are carted off to a slaughter house where they are ground up and the meat finds its way to a plate and it is called hamburger.
Veal does not come from any part of a cow. Veal is the meat from dairy bull calves that are not needed in dairy production and are sent either for slaughter or to be fed a special feed prior to slaughter.
I really hope you are asking about a "cow-killer ant" and just just a "cow killer." If you're asking about the former, then try the following: Step on it. Spray it with Raid or some form of wasp killer. If you're asking about the latter, that's something which is condoned on this website, since it is an illegal act of violence to kill another human, even if they make a living killing cows at a slaughter house.