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A skilled slave was a slave who possessed or practiced a specific skill. If a skilled slave was sold they went for the most money.

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Q: What is a skilled slave?
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Pyramid construction was performed mostly by and?

skilled crafts people and unskilled slave labour

What is a artisan slave?

Artisan slaves were skilled craftsmen who were paid a wage, and were treated better than the field slaves were.

What is disadvantages of skilled workers?

There were, when slavery was widespread, no disadvantages of being a skilled slave. It goes without saying that being a slave was a bad situation for anyone. Having a skill made a slave more valuable to an owner.kapm

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The slave was a skilled carpenter, blacksmith, and boatman. His proficiency in these trades and his resourcefulness in navigating the wilderness earned him the respect of Meriwether Lewis during the Lewis and Clark expedition.

What did pyramid builders wear?

Scribes, soldiers and skilled workers a short kilt of white linen and perhaps a pair of papyrus sandals. If you were a slave you went naked

Is a waiter a skilled or semi skilled?

Unskilled or entry level.

Why did The South have a greater demand for slaves than the North?

Because the plantations could use slave labour, but the Northern factory-based system was not suited to it. The factories needed mobile, skilled labour.

What did the pyramid builders eat?

The basic food eaten by the pyramid builders was bread and onions. If you were a slave that is all you got. If you were a skilled worker or a supervisor additional rations of meat, fish and beer was provided.

What can be done when non skilled and semi skilled pay exceeds skilled workers pay?

When non-skilled and semi-skilled pay exceeds the pay of skilled workers, the skilled workers can form a union to battle for higher pay. This is actually how unions were formed originally.

Why did skilled workers have better success with unions than non-skilled workers?

Skilled workers have better success with organizing than non-skilled because the skilled workers are harder to replace.

What sort of labor was used for building the pyramids?

Both free and slave labor. The free workers did all skilled and supervisory work. The slaves did the heavy labouring jobs such as quarrying, hauling the stones and putting them in place.

What type of food did the pyramid builders eat?

The basic food eaten by the pyramid builders was bread and onions. If you were a slave that is all you got. If you were a skilled worker or a supervisor additional rations of meat, fish and beer was provided.