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They cannot accurately measure political preferences.

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Q: What is a shortcoming of current scientific polls?
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The problem with early straw polls is that they weren't?


What is the difference between straw polls and scientific polls?

u r stupid read ur book! loll

Is a scientific poll official?

Who certifies the results of any poll? Generally it is the polling agency itself, through conducting spot checks on accuracy. No government agency oversees poll results, so there is nothing to make them "official," with the exception of election polls. Election polls are are not scientific polls, as they are not random samples of public opinion. Instead, everyone eligible to vote casts a ballot. Election polls are the only "official" polls.

What is john McCains current position in the polls?

jyfvgxf jyfvgxf

What is the difference between straw polls and the scientific sampling process?

Straw Polls include getting a show of hands or other type of method while scientific sampling process deals with a small group of people representing a large population.

What are three factors that even scientific polls have difficulty with?

Non-response bias, sampling bias, and poorly-worded questions are three factors that even scientific polls have difficulty with. These can lead to inaccuracies and not accurately reflecting the opinions of the population being studied.

For what reasons may the results of scientific polls not be acurate?

The results of scientific polls might not be accurate if the people being polled are aware of the agenda of the poll. A poll also might not be accurate if a large enough group of diverse people are not included in the poll.

How do use shortcoming in a sentence?

Shortcoming:noun: a falling short of what is expected or required; defect or deficiency; flaw.Example sentences:1. There seems to be a minor shortcoming with the procedure.2. We attempted to fix this shortcoming to no avail.3. We will have to use a different method for this shortcoming.4. This shortcoming wasn't so minor after all.

What kind of poll is the best way to collect information by asking people questions?

scientific polls you cheater ;]

What is New Mexico's biggest shortcoming?

new mexicos greatest shortcoming is water.

What is the scientific unit for current?

The scientific unit for current is the ampere, symbolized as A. It measures the flow of electric charge in a circuit.

How can the results of exit polls go wrong?

Polls are not scientific and usually are from a small group chosen for the poll. How questions are framed also affect the results. If the company doing the poll they can ask the question to get a particular result. In my opinion we depend too much on polls to make political decisions.