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They have it in a sentence because the author maybe put a character that yells or talks very loud

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Q: What is a sentence with big words in?
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Make a sentence using the words as big as?

A mouse is not as big as an elephant.

What is a sentence that has 9 words and 2 of the words begging with g?

go get a big sack of potatoes for dinner

Give you a sentence using synonym words?

Juan's nose is big as a large snake.

What is a telegraphic sentence?

A straightforward sentence with no unnecessary words. ex: Car is yellow, not the car is yellow big house hurts a lot

What are the nouns in this sentence. their brains may be as big as watermelons?

Nouns are people, place, and thing words. The nouns in your sentence are "brains" and "watermelons."

Is big a preposition?

No, "big" is an adjective, not a preposition. Adjectives are words that describe or modify nouns, while prepositions are words that show the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence.

How do you make a sentence with phonics?

To create a sentence with phonics, you can focus on using words that highlight various phonetic patterns and sounds, such as rhyming words, alliteration, or words with specific phonemes. For example, "Betty the bat bit a big, juicy apple" incorporates the "b" sound for phonics practice.

What sentence can you make using the words is in big play and can?

If she is healthy, she can handle a big role in the school play. If Dad is in the yard, the kids can play on the big trampoline. He is a great athlete who made a big play in the third inning.

How do you write a good sentence with words?

Words fit in sentences very well. Big or little words, never can tell. You think a thought, write it down, Then move the words all around. Try the middle at the end Your sentence fort to defend. Move the participle phrase Does it fit in another place.; Or substitute a synonym new Just keep your sentence true!

How do you use the word pedantry in a sentence?

He exhibited his pedantry by pretending he was better than everyone else and using big words.

In which sentence is the underlined group of words a prepositional phrase acting as an adverb?

The picnic was held under the big oak tree.

What is a onomatopoeia sentence?

An onomatopoeia sentence is a sentence that uses words that imitate or suggest the sound they describe. For example, "The bees buzzed around the flowers" is an onomatopoeia sentence because "buzzed" imitates the sound of bees buzzing.