

What is a pikeman?

Updated: 12/23/2022
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15y ago

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A pikeman was armed with a long pike with a metal tip. Some pikes were 12 feet or longer. They formed a line to resist attacks by enemy cavalry. The pikes were long enough to keep the cavalry from charging through their lines.

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Q: What is a pikeman?
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What was the term for an American soldier in world war 1?

* fighter * trooper * cadet * warrior * serviceman * man-at-arms * tanker * sapper * engineer * grenadier * marksman * airman * rifleman * pikeman * archer * navy man * sepoy * fusilier * cavalryman or cavalier * artillerist * gunner * cannoneer Also, there were slang names adopted by soldiers for themselves and for their enemy. These include: * GI Joe * doughboy * Tommy * redcoat * Anzac * Boche * Tedeschi or Ted * Jap * swaddy * ground-pounder * fly-boy * brown-bar (officer) * 90-day wonder (young officer out of OCS)

How did Europe 1400-1750 contrast with medieval Europe?

Europe from 1400-1750 is considered Late Renaissance and Early Modern Europe. Differences to be noted occurred on the political, religious, intellectual, social and technological scales.Politically, Europe saw a shift from "Christendom" to "Christendoms." Absolutism is the key, the authority in an area was transferred away from feudal lords to a single Monarch. The church lost much of its hold on Europe. This is especially true in Lutheran Germany, where the religion of the state was equivalent to that of the prince who was in power. Sovereignty is also determined to be derived from the people. The works of Thomas Hobbes and others during this period changes the divine right theory of the 14th century to a quasi-popular sovereignty covered in Hobbes' Leviathan.With respect to religion, the "Great Schism" occurred just before 1400 and is well regarded as one of the causes of decline of the Middle Ages, specifically the Papacy's power over Europe. Martin Luther and John Calvin led the Protestant Reformation movement in Europe that converted many people away from the Catholic Church. The idea of Predestination comes up at this point, specifically with Calvin. Luther's ideas, however, were the true reform in Europe. Sola Fide (faith alone), sola gratia (grace alone), and sola scriptura (scripture alone) were the paths to salvation and did not require the involvement that was being asked by the Catholic Church. This attracted many Europeans and eventually the Bible was translated for all groups of Europe. This made "the word" more accessible and removed the authority of the Papacy. The Church of England was also created by a falling out between Henry VIII of England and the Pope at the time.Intellectual thought during the Renaissance was centered on "humanism" and later moves towards "reason" during the Enlightenment. The Renaissance was a backward looking movement towards the classical ideas of ancient Greece and Rome. Glorified were depictions of ancients like Plato and Aristotle, such as Raphael's School of Athens, in which Aristotle holds a book and gestures towards the humans viewing the painting in response to Plato's gesture towards the heavens, representing the "Divinity of Man" to quote another Renaissance philosopher Pico della Mirandola. This shift shows a radically optimistic view of man in which man is a dynamic being vice the static predetermined being of Luther and Calvin, redefining the relationship between man and sovereign.In 1400 Europe was still highly Feudalistic, by 1750 however, the middle class was on the rise and optimism takes over. While the Enlightenment wasn't necessarily "anti-church" it takes much of its philosophy from the disability to prove there is a god. Post-Scientific Revolution thinkers like Immanuel Kant begin to theorize about reason and its effect on mankind. Essentially, the key is that man is unable to reason appropriately or everyday functions would be impossible. After the Renaissance ends and the Enlightenment period takes over there is a visible shift in Europe towards progress. Focus shifts first towards the individual, then to the community and finally to the state as a whole. The reform of the period, centered around its progressive ideology, was focused on government and labor reforms first. The mercantile class dominates the period and its reform agenda, while philosophers like Kant begin to focus on individuals focusing autonomously.Technologically, advances in the military are extremely noticeable. Clearly, the Middle Ages were dominated by the crossbow, pikeman and special units like the English longbow. Emphasis shifts from the knights of the feudal period to heavy infantry and later to firing lines of the newly discovered musketmen. Muskets are an interesting invention to follow in this period because initially they were ineffective because of their long reload time, however, when the socket bayonet replaces the plugs that were originally invented and the muskets can serve as a pike when not being fired. By phasing out the pikeman, musketmen were becoming more effective, but it was not until the Dutch began using "counter-march" firing (in which lines would retreat to the rear to reload and wait in line to fire again) that muskets became the ideal weapon of the period. When bonds were first conceived in the early period of Consolidation (1660) finance enabled naval expansion. Countries like England and France were better equipped to take up the task because of their large forested areas and amount of manpower. Sea power, specifically power projection from the sea, is the new philosophy of countries such as these. Using large fleets to demonstrate superiority, European nations dominated the foreign policy scene. The Battle of Lepanto, in which a fleet of the Holy League (Spain, the Papacy and Italian City-States) defeated the Ottoman fleet. The Holy fleet was made up of sailing ships, while the Ottomans were still using galleys. This battle is generally regarded as the end of galley warfare.

What are some aspects of Mesopotamian society that are revealed in the Code of Hammurabi?

Hammurabi's laws were established to be the "laws of Justice" intended to clarify the rights of any "oppressed man." Mesopotamia society under the Hammurabi code was one of strict penalties for criminal offenses with punishment severe and varied according to the wealth of the individual.

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What is the role of a pikeman?

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Who are the knights afraid of?

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How good is the Nerf stampede?

The Nerf stampede uses the whistle dart that the longshot and cs-6 uses. The difference is that its clip can hold up to 18 darts while the other guns use only 6. The stampede also shares the same shape as the vulcan and it looks like the actual gun the pikeman. The pikeman used as a bazooka. Accuracy on the stampede is very good and distance is what you expect from a Nerf gun. Overall it is worth the $50.

How do you take a level 10NPC in Evony?

I may be mistaken but I believe this combination should work. 97k archers 1k swordsman 1k Pikeman 1k scouts With waves of 10k warriors before it. With at least a 200 attack hero so as not to be as many losses.

How many archers to take barbs in Kingdoms of camelot?

Barbarian Camp Attacks It takes 10mins per lvl of barb camp to fully replenish to 100% ready for another attack so if you attack a lvl 4 then wait 40 mins to attack again to collect full 100% loot again. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ATTACK IN WAVES ON BARB CAMPS. THAT IS WILDS ONLY. Below is what you have to defeat at all barb camps, and what would be advisable to send for minimal loses. (following results were based on lvl 9 fletching and Knight skill 65 to 85, if you have a lower fletching then increase your sent troops by 2,000 per reduced lvl of fletching. (i.e - barb lvl 7 , fletch lvl 8 send 42,000 archers) You may be able to reduce the sent troop number with higher lvl knight skill but would only make minor difference. Barb 1 Supply Troop 500 Militiaman 500 SEND - 1000 Light Cav - or - 500 archers Barb 2 Scout 500 Supply Troop 1000 Militiaman 1000 Pikeman 500 SEND - 2000 Light Cav - or - 1500 archers Barb 3 Scout 1000 Supply Troop 2000 Militiaman 2000 Pikeman 1000 Swordsman 500 SEND - 5000 Light Cav - or - 3000 archers Barb 4 Scout 2000 Supply Troop 5000 Militiaman 5000 Pikeman 2000 Swordsman 1000 Archer 500 SEND - 6,000 archers Barb 5 Scout 5000 Supply Troop 10000 Militiaman 10000 Pikeman 5000 Swordsman 2000 Archer 1000 Cavalry 500 SEND - 13,000 archers Barb 6 Scout 10000 Supply Troop 15000 Militiaman 15000 Pikeman 10000 Swordsman 5000 Archer 2000 Cavalry 1000 SEND - 22,000 archers Barb 7 Scout 15000 Supply Troop 30000 Militiaman 30000 Pikeman 15000 Swordsman 10000 Archer 5000 Cavalry 2000 Heavy Cavalry 500 SEND - 43,000 archers (updated DO NOT send 40,000) Barb 8 Scout 30000 Supply Troop 60000 Militiaman 60000 Pikeman 30000 Swordsman 15000 Archer 10000 Cavalry 5000 Heavy Cavalry 1000 Ballista 500 SEND - 90,000 archers ( Not Confirmed ) TEST RESULTS = Troops Fought Archer 90,000 - Survived 78,937 TEST RESULTS = Troops Fought Archer 88,640 - Survived 81,376 Heavy Cavalry 1,000 - Survived 0 Ballista 273 - Survived 46 Battering Ram 87 - Survived 0 **** Test result Info supplied courtesy of another player **** Barb 9 Scout 60000 Supply Troop 120000 Militiaman 120000 Pikeman 60000 Swordsman 30000 Archer 15000 Cavalry 10000 Heavy Cavalry 2000 Ballista 1000 Battering Ram 500 SEND - UNKNOWN ( not worth attempting ) Barb 10 Scout 120000 Supply Troop 250000 Militiaman 250000 Pikeman 120000 Swordsman 60000 Archer 30000 Cavalry 15000 Heavy Cavalry 4000 Ballista 2000 Battering Ram 1000 Catapult 500 SEND - UNKNOWN ( not worth attempting ) N.B These figures are subject to change as better results are discovered.

How do you kill a barbarian camp in kingdoms of camelot facebook?

Barbarian Camp Attacks It takes 10mins per lvl of barb camp to fully replenish to 100% ready for another attack so if you attack a lvl 4 then wait 40 mins to attack again to collect full 100% loot again. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ATTACK IN WAVES ON BARB CAMPS. THAT IS WILDS ONLY. Below is what you have to defeat at all barb camps, and what would be advisable to send for minimal loses. (following results were based on lvl 9 fletching and Knight skill 65 to 85, if you have a lower fletching then increase your sent troops by 2,000 per reduced lvl of fletching. (i.e - barb lvl 7 , fletch lvl 8 send 45,000 archers) You may be able to reduce the sent troop number with higher lvl knight skill but would only make minor difference. Barb 1 Supply Troop 500 Militiaman 500 SEND - 1000 Light Cav - or - 500 archers Barb 2 Scout 500 Supply Troop 1000 Militiaman 1000 Pikeman 500 SEND - 2000 Light Cav - or - 1500 archers Barb 3 Scout 1000 Supply Troop 2000 Militiaman 2000 Pikeman 1000 Swordsman 500 SEND - 5000 Light Cav - or - 3000 archers Barb 4 Scout 2000 Supply Troop 5000 Militiaman 5000 Pikeman 2000 Swordsman 1000 Archer 500 SEND - 6,000 archers Barb 5 Scout 5000 Supply Troop 10000 Militiaman 10000 Pikeman 5000 Swordsman 2000 Archer 1000 Cavalry 500 SEND - 13,000 archers Barb 6 Scout 10000 Supply Troop 15000 Militiaman 15000 Pikeman 10000 Swordsman 5000 Archer 2000 Cavalry 1000 SEND - 22,000 archers Barb 7 Scout 15000 Supply Troop 30000 Militiaman 30000 Pikeman 15000 Swordsman 10000 Archer 5000 Cavalry 2000 Heavy Cavalry 500 SEND - 43,000 archers Barb 8 Scout 30000 Supply Troop 60000 Militiaman 60000 Pikeman 30000 Swordsman 15000 Archer 10000 Cavalry 5000 Heavy Cavalry 1000 Ballista 500 SEND - 90,000 archers ( Not Confirmed ) TEST RESULTS = Troops Fought Archer 90,000 - Survived 78,937 TEST RESULTS = Troops Fought Archer 88,640 - Survived 81,376 Heavy Cavalry 1,000 - Survived 0 Ballista 273 - Survived 46 Battering Ram 87 - Survived 0 **** Test result Info supplied courtesy of another player **** Barb 9 Scout 60000 Supply Troop 120000 Militiaman 120000 Pikeman 60000 Swordsman 30000 Archer 15000 Cavalry 10000 Heavy Cavalry 2000 Ballista 1000 Battering Ram 500 SEND - UNKNOWN ( not worth attempting ) Barb 10 Scout 120000 Supply Troop 250000 Militiaman 250000 Pikeman 120000 Swordsman 60000 Archer 30000 Cavalry 15000 Heavy Cavalry 4000 Ballista 2000 Battering Ram 1000 Catapult 500 SEND - UNKNOWN ( not worth attempting ) N.B These figures are subject to change as better results are discovered.

What are good things about a pikeman?

Pikemen are effective in forming defensive formations due to their long weapons, providing a strong deterrent against cavalry charges. They can also be deployed to create barriers or obstacles on the battlefield, limiting enemy movement. Additionally, pikemen can work in coordination with other infantry units to maximize their defensive capabilities.

What are some seven letter words with 3rd letter K and 5th letter M and 6th letter A?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 5 words with the pattern --K-MA-. That is, seven letter words with 3rd letter K and 5th letter M and 6th letter A. In alphabetical order, they are: pikeman sokeman tokamak tokomak wakeman

What are some seven letter words with 1st letter P and 2nd letter I and 6th letter A and 7th letter N?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern PI---AN. That is, seven letter words with 1st letter P and 2nd letter I and 6th letter A and 7th letter N. In alphabetical order, they are: pigmean pikeman

What are some seven letter words with 1st letter P and 2nd letter I and 4th letter E and 6th letter A?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern PI-E-A-. That is, seven letter words with 1st letter P and 2nd letter I and 4th letter E and 6th letter A. In alphabetical order, they are: pikeman pinesap

What are some seven letter words with 1st letter P and 4th letter E and 6th letter A and 7th letter N?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern P--E-AN. That is, seven letter words with 1st letter P and 4th letter E and 6th letter A and 7th letter N. In alphabetical order, they are: pikeman