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Motte means small hill. They built a motte and bailey castle which means a bailey(tower) on a hill usually with a moat around it.

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Q: What is a motte from the Middle Ages?
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How did castles change form the early Middle Ages to the late Middle Ages?

Castles in the early middle ages were motte and bailey castles- a motte was a large mound and a bailey was like a courtyard. These developed into the standard castle with strong stone walls etc.

What style castles were built in the middle ages?

motte and bailey castles

When Was Motte Bailey Castle Built?

in the middle ages which is 500 to 1450

How long did motte and bailey castles take to build in the middle ages?

about 7 to 12 years,

What is Nat motte's middle name?

His full name is 'Nathaniel Warren Seth Motte'.

What is a baliey castle in the middle ages?

A motte and bailey Castle is what was built in England when William Duke of Normandy ruled. They were built for speed so they could intimmidate the peasents.

Who would live in a motte and bailey castle?

not very often now but in the middle ages barons did along with his soldiers, servants, jokers, cooks etc.

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Nathaniel Motte is 27. Sean Foreman is 26.

What is the period in Europe between AD 500 and 1500 known as?

The period of time from 500 AD to 1500 AD is called the Middle Ages.

What did Newcastle look like in the middle ages?

Assuming you mean the city of Newcastle upon Tyne, during the early middle ages it was an Anglo Saxon village, eventually taken over by Vikings. After the Norman Invasion, it was pretty much destroyed, and a new castle was built there by Robert Curthose, a son of William the Conqueror. For a while, it was a village around a motte and bailey castle. Then a 25 foot high wall was built around it, so in the end it was a walled village with buildings of the High Middle Ages and Late Middle Ages.

What rooms did a Motte and Bailey castle have?

The Motte and Bailey castle was built by the Normans and was a frequent sight in the Middle Ages. They were built with either a wood or stone base. The rooms included in them were dependent on how wealthy the owner was. They included the great hall, Lords and Ladies chamber, servants room, wardrobe, bower, solar, and minstrel's gallery.

What was a explorers in a Middle Ages?

There was no explorers in the middle ages. When exploration started that is when the middle ages ended.