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Q: What is a monster is a dead persons body?
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What kind of monster has a dead person body?

a zombie

How many days does a dead persons body decays?

It can take up to 10 years for a dead persons body to decay. A number of factors which include heat, cold air, the amount of oxygen and clothing.

Why cant you keep a dead persons body?

Without any respect for the dead, there is no hope for the rest of us.

How unknown persons dead body can be identified?

Fingerprints, dental records, tattoos or other distinguishing marks.

What is mummies about?

They are about religion. Some people thought there was an afterlife and they could preserves a dead persons body for that afterlife.

Does a dead body still have hair?

Yes, in fact a persons hair will keep growing a bit after you die.

Can a police officer declare a person dead?

No. The only persons who can declare a person dead are those who write death certificates; a medical practitioner or, in the absence of a body, a coroner.

Why is Frankenstein's monster green?

It's not. In the original stories, the monster has a color of pale white flesh. The monster was made of dead body parts stitched together, and it was brought to life when lightning was redirected to it. Newer films and interpretations may have led people to believe that the monster is green.

Is cookie monster dead?

technically yes, but they changed it to The Veggie Monster.

What is a morticianist?

A mortitionist is a person that prepares a dead person for there funeral/burial E.g. Is a person got killed in a car crash, a mortitionist would sew there body and paint the persons body how he/she would look when he/she was in the present. A mortitionist is a person that prepares a dead person for there funeral/burial E.g. Is a person got killed in a car crash, a mortitionist would sew there body and paint the persons body how he/she would look when he/she was in the present.

What is the meaning of a dead persons photo falling?

whatn is the meaning of a dead persons phot falling and making a loud noise

Skin is hard to the touch and cold?

After a dead persons' body has been embalmed, their body is usually firm and hard to the touch. It may also be cold, especially if the room that they are in is cold.