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That or prison.

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Q: What is a mandatory draft?
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What is the term for the mandatory calling of men for the armed services during a war?

A draft

What is another term for the draft?

In other countries it is called conscription, or mandatory military service.

What was the mandatory call up for young US men for military service during World War 2?

There are several names for it, depending on where it's implemented. In the US, it's known as the draft. Generally, a mandatory military service requirement is known as conscription, and different governments may call it by various names (e.g., National Service).

What is it called when people are made to enlist in the miltary?

Mandatory or forced enlistment in the military is called conscription or the draft.

When did mandatory military draft stop in the U.S.?

I was doing a project on this, and I think it ended after the Vietnam war in 1973, do to the war being heavily protested and rioted against.

What does draftee mean?

A draftee is a person who is or has been the subject of a draft, whether talking about mandatory military enrollment or sports related drafts.

How old did youths have to be before they could volunteer for the draft?

The draft was, and currently is, mandatory. You had to be registered when you turned 18. You can volunteer to serve in the armed forces at the age of 18, 17 if you have parental permission and meet the service requirements.

When did mandatory selective service end?

While a form of Selective Service registration remains a requirement in the United States for males reaching the age of 18, the draft (actually mandatory military service) ended in the US in 1973.

Which action is considered a mandatory responsibility of US citizenship?

Voting in elections is considered a mandatory responsibility of US citizenship.

How did the military draft cause social problems in the north during the civil war?

The Civil War was extremely unpopular war at the outset. A mandatory draft was considered unnecessary. The risk of death was high. It caused riots and other protests.

Why does Israel have a military draft?

Many smaller countries (including Israel) have mandatory drafts since they would never be able to assemble a large enough military force without a mandatory draft. Israel remains in a state of war with several Middle Eastern states and is dealing with internal strife because of the Palestinian situation, as a result Israel needs to be capable of a strong military defense.

When a government selects people to be soldiers are called?

Conscription, compulsory service, mandatory/mandated service, a draft... any of those could be appropriate, depending on context.