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The largest countries in the Arab world by land area are Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, and Sudan. Of those, only Saudi Arabia is on the Asian continent; the others are in Africa.

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Q: What is a list of middle east countries by size?
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There are actually three main sects of Islam in the Middle East. In order of size, most populous to least populous: Sunni, Shiite, and Ibadi.

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The smallest middle east country by size is Bahrain, 650 square miles.

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You can find a list of countries based on size on the World Atlas website. They have a section dedicated to countries ranked by land area from largest to smallest.

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In terms of physical size, Australia is the sixth largest country.

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Tehran, Iran and Istanbul, Turkey are the largest cities in the Middle East after Cairo. Both are roughly the same size at 14 million people.

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The country in the Middle East with the smallest population is Bahrain. It is an island country located in the Persian Gulf with a population of around 1.7 million people.

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Size ten shoes. (In middle eastern countries throwing shoes is considered an insult to the person thrown at.)

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The five smallest countries by size in the world are Vatican City, Monaco, Nauru, Tuvalu, and San Marino. These countries are all less than 25 square kilometers in area.