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Q: What is a list of all the countries that mummified people?
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Was mummification used in all countries?

no but u can get mummified Egyptian style but it costs a lot of money

Which people were mummified?

Everyone back then. Pharohs, servents, villagers, girls, boys, animals, women, and men.At first, only the important people were mummified, but then all people were. But the rich and important Egyptians got mummified with more care and time than the others.The ancient Egyptians Pharaohs or kings.

Are only royal people mummified?

No. As long as one can afford it then it's all good!

Is it possible to get a list of all the people that go to a public school?

No. You can never get the list. Its too big. Children in various countries go to school.

List all the countries in this world?

See the link below for a full list of all the countries in the world, including sovereign and partially recognized states.

Was the cat mummified?

yes the cat was mummified and indeed all cats and animals were. in short the Egyptians loved animals.

Why don't you know exactly how people were mummified in ancient Egypt?

people were mummified by taking a hook and putting up the nose an took out the brain then they cut the open by the left an taking all the organs out. they even put your organs in jars. sometimes they kept the heart in the body

Did mummified Egyptian queens get put in tombs?

all people who were important enough to be mummified were most likely going to be put in a tomb so their afterlife goes well, and their ka and ba find the body again so i would say yes.

Who are the people in the painting Pantheon de la Guerre?

It is a cyclorama, the largest painting in the world, so it is quite a list of people shown in it. It has all the ally countries painted, so the answer would be, prominent people from Allied Countries in World War I.

Where in Egypt did mummification occur?

All around the different parts of Eygept. For most of the public to do if they wanted to be mummified! You do not have to be rich or royal to get mummified.

Did they mummified King Tutankhamun by mistake or was it in purpose?

On purpose. All kings were mummified. His was rather a rushed job because his death was unexpected.

List all the island countries in Europe?

Malta uk