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The Church.

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Q: What is a holy place for christians?
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Is the church the christians holy place?

The Church itself is the people, not the building. No, the Church building is not the Christian holy place. God is everywhere. It is the body of a Christian that is holy.

What is the use of a church?

it is the holy place for Christians so they can be saved by the Holy Spirit or God. It is also for where it is a safe place to be and worship God.

Why was Jerusalem a holy place for Christians?

That is where Jesus began to teach about God's word.

Do christians and Jews have a holy city?

Jerusalem is considered to be the holy place for Judaism, but not for Christianity. While much of the New Testament was written concerning Jesus' life in Israel, Christians do not consider Jerusalem to be a holy place. Christians believe that God can be worshiped at any place and any time on the planet; they also believe their bodies are living temples thus there is no need for a physical temple (Bible, 1 Corinthians 6:19)

What are the major holy books of Christians?

The Holy Bible is the major holy book of Christians.

Why did the Vatican City become a World Heritage Site?

its one of the holy place for the christians.

Why did many Christians choose to stay in the Holy Land rather than return to Europe after the fall of Jerusalem?

Many Christians choose to stay in the Holy Land because it's the birth place of Jesus Christ.

What are some holy cities for christians?

The holy city for christians is Jerusalem, which is also the holy city of the jews.

What do mosques have to do with worship?

A mosque is a holy place for muslims just like how christians worship in a church.

What is a hym?

A song sang in a church or holy place for Christians. For example, Kumbaya My Lord would be one.

Do Christians have a holy text?

Yes, Christians have holy text. The book is called the Bible and it is full of examples about how they should live holy.

What three religions claim the Holy Land as the place where their religion began or had a huge impact on their religions?

The Jews, Christians and the Muslims have special importance for Jerusalem as it is a very Holy place for all three religions.