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Q: What is a fight between the us government and the American Indians that started the Seminole war?
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Ten-year war fought in Florida between the Indians and the US government?

Seminole War

Who were the Seminole wars fought between?

The Seminole Indians and the US.

What is the Seminole War?

The three Seminole Wars or Florida Wars were fought between the US and the Seminole Indians and escaped slaves in Spains Florida Territory between 1817 and 1858.

What is The Seminoles?

The three Seminole Wars or Florida Wars were fought between the US and the Seminole Indians and escaped slaves in Spains Florida Territory between 1817 and 1858.

What action toward native American Indians did the us government take between 1820 and 1840?

They forced the Native American's to move West.

How did the Seminole Indians build a chickee?

The Seminole Tribe made it's homes (Chickees) by driving logs into the ground between posts. The floor is made of a wooden platform. The Seminole made the roofs with poles covered in bark and leaves.

Did conflicts arise between the US government and the Plains Indians because the Indians wanted to live on reservation land and farm?

Yes, conflicts arose between the US government and the Plains Indians because the Indians wanted to live on reservation land and farm. In 1851, in the First Fort Laramie Treaty, the American government guaranteed the Plains Indians that they would be left alone in their reservations, but this treaty was not honored.

Do American Indians pay for license plates in Oklahoma?

In Oklahoma, American Indians who live on tribal land are not required to pay for license plates as their vehicles are subject to tribal jurisdiction. This exemption is based on the historical agreements between Native American tribes and the US government.

Which of these statements defines the special relationship between Indians and the U.S. federal government?

Which of these statements defines the special relationship between Indians and the U.S. federal government?

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There were many different reasons why there was conflict between the settlers and the government. First of all, and probably the most vital reason, was that both

The proclamation of 1763 marked the beginning of the political dispute between which two groups of people?

The two groups that were sepperated by the proclamation line of 1763 were the American Indians and the British.

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