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Q: What is a factor labor used in American?
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What factor in the choice of labor was used in the American colonies?

Native American populations were greatly reduced by disease.

What was the factor in the choice of labor used in the American colonies was?

Native American populations were greatly reduced by disease.

What was the factor in the choice of labor used in the American colonies?

Native American populations were greatly reduced by disease.

What was a factor in the choice of labor used in the American colonies was that?

Native American populations were greatly reduced by disease.

What factor in the choice of labor were used in the American colonies?

The need for either skilled or unskilled labor was one factor, as was the available labor supply and the wages. Where extensive unskilled labor was required, slavery (buying workers for life) became viable economically. Native American populations were greatly reduced by disease

What were some factors in the choice of labor used in the American colonies?

The need for either skilled or unskilled labor was one factor, as was the available labor supply and the wages. Where extensive unskilled labor was required, slavery (buying workers for life) became viable economically. Native American populations were greatly reduced by disease

What was a factor in the choice of labor use in the American Colony?

Native American populations were greatly reduced by disease.

Which factor of production are used by a dog walker to provide a service that has value?

labor only

Which factor of production are used by a car rental company to provide a service that has value?

capital and labor

What methods did the American federation of labor use to achieve its aims?

The American Federation of Labor used a combination of strikes and boycotts to achieve their aims. Although the companies often had the support of the government which used tactics to break strikes, the AFL achieved a great many of their labor goals.

Focused on collective bargaining and used strikes as a major tactic?

The AFL , the American Federation of Labor, focused on collective bargaining. Established in 1886 they used strikes as a major tactic to enact change.

The division of labor used in most American factories led to?

mass production