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A "dirty bomb" is a conventional explosive, such as dynamite, salted with radioactive waste that scatters when the bomb goes off. It is not a nuclear bomb. The bomb can kill or injure through the initial blast of the conventional explosive and through the dispersal of the radioactive materials-- hence the term "dirty." Such bombs could be small devices or as big as a truck bomb. There are four categories of radioactive waste ranging from very low-level waste that can be safely disposed of with ordinary refuse, to high-level waste such as spent nuclear fuel. Substantial amounts of radioactive waste are generated through civilian and military applications of radionuclides in medical facilities, food irradiation plants, chemical and manufacturing plants, etc. Some types of radioactive waste would be easier to obtain than others in order to make a "dirty bomb". Radiation detectors are needed to alert officials of their presence. One particular personal radiation detector has the technology to detect Gamma, X-ray and Beta radiation. This includes the ability to detect radioactive iodine, of which Potassium Iodide protects against and would most likely not be present in a dirty bomb due to the fact that it is a byproduct of nuclear fission which takes place only within nuclear reactors and during the detonation of a nuclear bomb. Obviously this type of 'radioactive waste' would be very difficult to obtain and incorporate in the makings of a dirty bomb. If a dirty bomb detonates in your area, follow the instructions of local health officials concerning evacuation, decontamination and the administering of potassium iodide (though unlikely). offers the Dirty Bomb Emergency Kit™ for detection and decontamination of radiation likely found in a dirty bomb.

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so called "dirty bombs" cannot be built and stockpiled like nuclear weapons can. they must be assembled shortly before use. a "dirty bomb" is simply a conventional bomb wrapped in radioactive waste, the detonation of the conventional bomb scatters the radioactive waste thus making it "dirty". the problem with making a "dirty bomb" is that radiation from the radioactive waste will almost certainly kill anyone involved in the assembly of the bomb. countries are very unlikely to seriously consider making such bombs, only terrorist groups are likely to attempt it.