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Q: What is a derogatory term used for southerners who sided with the north during reconstruction?
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Who were the people during the reconstruction?

The people during the Reconstruction were the Northerners, Southerners, and politicians. Abraham Lincoln was one of the presidents that wanted the North & South to put aside their differences.

Definition of Scalawags?

Scalawags - a derogatory term (originally describing worthless livestock) applied to native white Southerners who supported the federal reconstruction plan and cooperated with the blacks in order to achieve their ends. Some of the scalawags were entirely above board, having opposed the Confederacy in earlier times and later wanted a new South to emerge from the rubble. Others cooperated with or served in the Republican governments in order to avail themselves of money-making opportunities.

Where was the best place to life during reconstruction?

In the North.

What was the role of the carpetbaggers in reconstruction?

"Carpetbagger" was used by Southerners as a derogatory term, referring to the carpet bags (a form of cheap luggage made from carpet fabric) which many of these newcomers carried. Such a person came from the North to the South after the war, seeking to unfairly profit in the damaged financial conditions of the South after the war. The term came to be associated with opportunism and exploitation by outsiders.

Where did African Americans go during the reconstruction of the South in 1879?

in the north states

What did the American soldiers call the north Koreans?

American soldiers referred to North Koreans as "gooks" during the Korean War, which is a derogatory term.

Who were the native southerners who helped union forces during the war?

The People in the south who helped the north during the war were called SCALAWAGS

Why were the southerners against the Reconstruction laws?

Because my grandma was there

How was life different for different populations during recontruction?

Many white southerners had slaves during the Civil War, but when the north won they didn't have slaves any more so the white southerners' lives were very different.

Who suffered the most due to the lack of unity in the Federal government during the years of Reconstruction?

The north.

What is the north's biggest mistake during reconstruction?

Its failure to provide blacks with farm property of their own

What did the north call the south?
