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In US government they give advice to the president. They have been around since Reagan. They have been criticized by the right wing media because of their name but they fail to mention they were originally appointed by Reagan. The difference is that Reagan's "czar's" were people well established in Government and had a good understanding of our political system. Over 100 individuals inside the current Administration have not file taxes as of last year! Imagine what happens if you tried that!?

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10y ago

Czars in the US are government workers who are not in the cabinet and are directed to head one specific task or work at solving one particular problem. Example are drug czar and energy czar. The word is used unofficially.

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13y ago

There is no longer a Czar of Russia. Nicholas II and his entire family were killed by the Bolsheviks after he was forced to abdicate in 1917, so there is not even a hereditary Czar of Russia lurking somewhere in the shadows. Technically, there had not been a Czar since 1721 when the title was officially changed to 'Imperator,' although the old title continued to be used.

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Russia. Before the revolution in Russia, the emperor was called the czar. The last czar was czar Nicolas II

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"America began its czar tradition in 1973 when John A. Love was made the first energy czar during the Arab oil crisis. He was quickly followed by William E. Simon who ran the Federal Energy Administration. In 1982, the government added a Drug Czar, Jerome Jaffe."

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An Autocrat rule of Imperial Russia.

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it was the bolshevik party and most of the russians he bolshevik did not ovethrow czar nickolas 2 they murdered him and took his place in the government

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He was the leader of the Bolshevik Party, which overthrew Czar Nicholas II and his reign of tyranny. Reality checK: The Czar had been deposed in March of 1917. Lenin overthrew that government, not the monarchy of Czar Nicholas.

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The government and empire of Czar Nicolas II began collapsing because of graft, corruption and neglect. The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 forced the family out of power. They were sent into exile in Siberia where they eventually perished.

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Ancient Greeks gave their citizens a right to vote.

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The government and empire of Czar Nicolas II began collapsing because of graft, corruption and neglect. The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 forced the family out of power. They were sent into exile in Siberia where they eventually perished.

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The March Revolution in Russia. The people overthrew the czar in favor of a democratic government.