A form of government in which the state operates under a one-party system and declares allegiance to Marxism-Leninism,
No such thing. Communism means a classless system with no government, and would have to operate at a global level, with no countries.
The Russian working class overthrew the existing government to establish a communist state.
Technically speaking, no one ever set up a communist state as Karl Marx defined communism. Vladimir Lenin, after the October Russian Revolution, set up a socialist state in Russia, expecting that at some time in the future it would become a true communist state. It was referred to as a communist state because he had the name of the Bolshevik Party changed to the Communist Party in 1918.
the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. But in fact it stood for state capitalism not Communism
Yes, in 1949 China became a communist state and it still is a communist dictatorship.
How did communist schools benefit the state and the communist party
How did communist schools benefit the state and the communist party
How did communist schools benefit the state and the communist party
How did communist schools benefit the state and the communist party
The People's Republic of China is often cited as an example of a communist state due to its one-party political system and state ownership of key industries.
Germany was not a communist state.
Answer this question… The Soviet Union became the world's first communist state.
communist state
Russia was communist nation. Currently Cuba is communist nation.
Peru isn't communist...
A communist state is one in which the economy is based on communism. See the related questions for more detail on each part of this.