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Q: What is a commonwealth owned by the US whose inhabitants were granted US citizenship during World War 1?
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Which development concerning civil rights occurred during the 1920s?

the federal government granted Native Americans citizenship -AKG<3

How did a person claim roman citizenship?

You did not claim Roman citizenship. if you were born in Rome and a freeman, you were automatically a Roman citizen. There were non-Romans who obtained Roman citizenship. However, they did not claim it. During the Roman Republic the senate granted citizenship. During the period of rule by emperors it was the emperor who granted it. It was the Romans who chose who they wanted to grant citizenship to. Therefore, non-Romans did not claim it.

Development concerning civil rights occurred during the 1920s?

the federal government granted native Americans citizenship

What resulted from the voluntary military service of thousands of Native Americans during World War 1?

They were granted U.S. citizenship :)

How could a foreigner become a citizen in ancient rome?

By speaking at least a little Latin and by doing a civic service for Rome, a foreigner could become a citizen. However there were other ways. For example an entire town or territory could be granted citizenship for various reasons such as loyalty to Rome during a crises and being located on a trade route.

Why is Puerto Rico a commonwealth?

Puerto Rico became a territory of the United States when Spain ceded the island to the United States in 1898. The Jones Act of 1917 granted all residents born in Puerto Rico citizenship to the US. Spanish Citizens (those born on Puerto Rico before 1898) were given the choice to accept US citizenship or retain their Spanish Citizenship. The reason for the Jones act had to do with the US acquisition of the Dutch Virgin Islands (now the US Virgin Islands) during World War I. One of the conditions of the sale of the islands to the US was that all residents of the islands, including Puerto Rico be granted full US citizenship.

During the time that England was without a monarch the country was called .?

the commonwealth

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The Danes are the inhabitants of Denmark.

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How did citizenship change as the Roman Empire expanded?

The extension of Roman citizenship was one of the ways that Rome gained territory or "conquered". It gave the territories the protection and benefits of Rome and in turn Rome had strong, loyal allies. Proof of this is the towns of Italy refusing to give Hannibal any assistance during the Punic wars.

Who was the leader of the Commonwealth?

Queen Elizabeth II.

Which side did Australia fight on during world war1?
