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The Commodore 64 is the best-selling single personal computer model of all time. Released in August 1982 by Commodore Business Machines, the Commodore 64 is commonly referred to as the C64 and occasionally known as CBM 64 (its model designation) or C-64. Introduced by Commodore Business Machines in August 1982 at a price of US$595 (then later reduced to US$200 in late 1983), it offered 64 kilobytes of RAM with sound and graphics performance that were superior to IBM-compatible computers of that time. During the Commodore 64's lifetime (between 1982 and 1994), sales totaled around 17 million units.

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15y ago

A Commadore 64 was an early computer going back to around the mid 1980's mainly used by kids of that generation to play games on and some basic programs.

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