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Its a corpse.

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Q: What is a body of a dead person?
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How the name of a dead person can be change?

no body change after dead his name

What does an embalmer do to the dead body?

The embalmer is the one who is responsible for grooming, clothing and adding chemicals to the dead body. Embalming is intended to temporarily preserve the body of a dead person.

What kind of monster has a dead person body?

a zombie

Who will sink a dead body or an alive person?

Normally a body will sink if the person is dead and has no air in their lungs to keep the body boyant. Although after some time gases accumilate inside the body cavity due to decomposition and the body will float again.

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an alive body

What is the formal definition for mummy?

The preserved body of a dead person.

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What is the name of the person who take care of the dead body?

the watcher

Why there is no response from the dead body of the person if you put in an injection in his body with respect to living person?

Well, for one thing, his blood is not circulating.

Can you tell if a person is dead or not by their cut off body part?

It would depend on which body part you had. If you had their head, or heart, then I would say yes you can tell if they are dead (they most certainly are in this case). If you had an ear or finger, then no you could not tell if the person were dead.

Were the bodies dead or alive?

It depends on which bodies you are talking about as to whether or not they were dead or alive. Usually when a body are found, the person is dead, if the person was alive, they would not say the bodies were fond.