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Here in Canada we call this 'tundra'

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Q: What is a a cold treeless land area?
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What is a cold treeless land area call?

This is known as "tundra".

What is an area of flat treeless land?

an area of land of mostly flat treeless land

What is a large area of treeless grassland called?

A large area of treeless grassland is called a prairie or a steppe, depending on the region and climate. These areas are characterized by vast expanses of grasses and minimal trees.

What is cold treeless area found in the coldest regions of the world?


What is the treeless plain of the arctic region called?

A cold treeless lowland area, permanently frozen, known as Tundra. It supports small shrubs, mosses and grasses

A level or treeless area of land what is that?

A level or treeless area of land is typically known as a plain. Plains are large expanses of flat land that are often characterized by grasses, shrubs, or crops, and they can be found in various regions around the world. Plains are important for agriculture and provide habitats for a variety of plant and animal species.

What is the name given to an area that is a flat treeless plain?

The name given to an area that is a flat treeless plain is a steppe.

What is the flat treeless land near the Arctic Circle?

The flat treeless land near the Arctic Circle is called tundra. It is characterized by cold temperatures, a short growing season, and a layer of permafrost below the surface. The vegetation in the tundra consists of low-growing plants, mosses, and lichens.

What are characteristics of a tundra?

Tundra is a cold, treeless, plain-like area with a frozen subsurface. Some characteristics of tundra are an extremely cold climate, low biotic diversity, and limited drainage.

What is a word for flat treeless land?


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a desert?