"erodieren" is to "erode", "Tisch" is "table" and "kopf" is "head".
These must be parts of an "Electrical Discharge Machine (EDM)" which removes or alters the surface of a material using electrical current.
parish. do you mean German word? if that's what you meant, then no. it's English. parish. do you mean German word? if that's what you meant, then no. it's English. parish. do you mean German word? if that's what you meant, then no. it's English.
Glauben is faith in German.
English: "Russia" = German "Russland".
Same for English but with a German Accent.
The German-to-English translation of 'schreib' is write.
Roderich Cescotti has written: 'Luftfahrt-Definitionen' -- subject(s): Dictionaries, Aeronautics, German, English, German language, English language 'Aviation dictionary' -- subject(s): Dictionaries, Aeronautics, German, English, German language, English language 'Luftfahrt-definitionen, Englisch-Deutsch/Deutsch-Englisch = Glossary of aeronautical definitions, English-German/German-English' 'Aerospace Dictionary, German to English and English to German' 'Glossary of aeronautical definitions; English-German, German-English' -- subject(s): Dictionaries, Aeronautics, German, English, German language, English language
Deutsch is and English translation for German. And it is using English and German
English is "Englisch". And German is "Deutsch".
German Gift = English Poison English Gift = German Geschenk
English Easter = German Ostern
"German" in English is tedesco in Italian.
mit is in english with
She is English, but many of her immediate ancestors were German
Der Hut in German means "hat" in English.
Della in German is "bright" or "noble" in English.
Excellent English-German translators that work without internet connection are: Langenscheidt's English-German Dictionary Cassells' English-German Dictionary
Charles J Hyman has written: 'German-English, English-German electronics dictionary' -- subject(s): Dictionaries, German, Electronics, English, German language, English language