

What is Newton's color wheel?

Updated: 12/12/2022
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15y ago

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It is a disc that is divided into coloured segments. It can have three segments, each shaded with one of the primary colours red, green and blue, or it can be divided into seven segments shaded with the colours of the rainbow; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. When you spin the disc rapidly the colours merge to give the appearance of white light. It shows that what we see as white is in fact a combination of all colours.

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The opposite of gold on the color wheel is purple. Gold is a warm color, while purple is a cool color, making them complementary colors on the color wheel.

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There are different color wheels there is a three color color wheel which is red,yellow,blue

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What color is opposite of white on the color wheel?

The specific color that is opposite of white on the color wheel doesn't exist. Most color wheels do not contain the color white on them, if they do it's directly in the center.

What is the opposite of green on the color wheel?

The opposite of green on the color wheel is red. Green and red are complementary colors, meaning they are directly across from each other on the color wheel and create a high contrast when used together.

What is the color opposite of orange?

The color opposite of orange on the color wheel is blue.

Why is the color red at the top of the color wheel?

Red is at the top of the color wheel because red is the first color in the visible spectrum.