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Q: What is Louisiana's state butterfly?
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What is louisianas state moto?

Union, Justice, Confidence

Is Louisianas state insect the fly?

No Louisiana's state insect is the honey bee

What is Louisianas state bird?

Louisiana's state bird is the Eastern brown pelican.

What is Louisianas largest city?

new Orleans is louisianas largest city

What is the state butterfly for Washington State?

The state butterfly for Washington state is the Mourning Cloak (Nymphalis antiopa). It was designated as the state butterfly in 1979.

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What kind of butterfly is Wyoming's official state butterfly?

Wyoming's official state butterfly is the Sheridan's Green Hairstreak.

Why are is the zebra longwing butterfly the state butterfly?

because it is found anywhere in that state

Does montana have a state insect?

Yes. Montana's state insect is the Mourning Cloak (Nymphalis antiopa) Butterfly.

What is Floridas state butterfly?

it is the zebra swallowtail!!

What is ohio's state butterfly?

monarch butterfly

What are Montana's state symbols?

The grizzly bear is the state animal. The western meadowlark is the state bird. Mourning cloak butterfly is the state butterfly. Bitterroot is the state flower. "Montana" is the state song.