3 child
puerto rican
No he was a Lieutenant Colonel and also served in The United States House of Representatives.
General David Rodriguez is married. He will deny it but having known him for somtime and doing some research, yes he is married. He will do all to deny it for whatever reason that I dont understand. A first wife passed away. He did remarry. I truly cared for him but his marriage he hides. When I found out the truth and walked away. Very sad. But I swear it is true.
3 child
West Chester, PA
That Mrs. Ginny Rodriguez wife from Lieutenant General David M Rodriguez died in the year 2009 is a big lie... Mrs. Ginny Rodriguez enjoys excellent health
Lieutenant General David M. Rodriguez's wife died in 2009. It had to have been an old picture is the only reason it would have appeared in a 2012 article.
Lt. Gen. David Rodriguez married or not