according to a website that translates english to lakota the word for "snake" is: ZUZECA
in Their language (LAKOTA) the word for grandfather is tunkashilah. In the Lakota dialect the word for grandmother is Unci.
The Lakota word for thunder is wakina. The Thunderbird spirit is wakinyan
You say maLakota welo [I am Lakota, it's a fact].
The Seneca word for a garter snake is shano:ya:ene'The word for a blacksnake is shaya'tesThe word for a green snake is ukeu'tsa'kéá'The word for a rattlesnake is uhsikwêôtThe word for a water snake is hanôtöThe general term for snake is ushaista'
Tipi originated from a Lakota word "thípi" as basically meaning "House."
The Lakota Indian word for horse is šunkawakan The Lakota Indian word for colt is šunkcincala
'Riichard' is an English word, not a Lakota word, so there is no way to say Richard in Lakota.
There is no such word in Lakota.
The Lakota word "wopila" is pronounced as "woh-pee-lah."
The Lakota word for prey is 'wasablge.' This word is also used for 'target.' Another word that might be used to describe prey is 'chante.'
in Their language (LAKOTA) the word for grandfather is tunkashilah. In the Lakota dialect the word for grandmother is Unci.
no Sioux word for goodbye
The Lakota word meaning faith or belief is wowichala or wowachinyeye.
The Lakota word for thunder is wakina. The Thunderbird spirit is wakinyan
The Lakota word for "to be strong or powerful" is wash'aka (archaic sh'aka or sh'akecha).