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The name of Julius Caesar's mother was Aurelia Cotta. She was from a very influential family.

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His mother was Aurelia Cotta.

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Q: What is Julius Caesars mother named?
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Who was caesars parents?

Julius Caesar's father was also named Gaius Julius Caesar and his mother was Aurelia Cotta.

Where was Julius Caesars's mother from?

Julius Caesar's mother was from Rome. She was an aristocratic Roman matron.

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Julius Caesar's dad's name was also Gaius Julius Caesar. The Romans named their eldest son after the father.

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No, Caesars Palace in Las Vegas is not named after Augustus Caesar. It was named after Julius Caesar, the Roman general and politician. The resort and casino was named to evoke a sense of luxury and opulence associated with ancient Rome.

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What wasJulius Caesar's father's name?

Julius Caesar was named after his father. The dictator and his father were both named Gaius Julius Caesar. His father was a relatively influential Patrician Senator. Caesar's mother, and his father's wife was Aurelia Cotta.Julius Caesar's family claimed to be descended from Aeneas, the legendary founder of Rome.

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Julius Caesar's child was named Julia. There was also a child that was born to Cleopatra of Egypt, that Cleopatra claimed was fathered by Caesar, but there are several reasons to doubt her claim.

Who was julius caesar's mother and father?

His father was Gaius Octavius - a Roman senator who died before he ever made consul, who died when he was 4. His mother was Atia Balba Caesonia who was Julius Caesar's niece. Julius Caesar - who was his great uncle, adopted him and made him his heir at age 18. See related link for more info:

What were Julius Caesars interests?

he liked to read!!(:

Who is calphurnia?

calphurnia is Julius caesars wife

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